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Contact: David Kelly Dorothy Kelly
1 Bracken Valley, Dromore, BT25 1TA
Has successfully dealt with a very wide range of client presentations over the last twelve years from spiritual, mental/emotional to physical imbalances & pain. I have never failed to bring relief to a client to date & am still amazed by the power of some of the techniques I use regularly, to bring a positive resolution quickly; most notably Bowen, Emmett & Reiki.
My Kokoro Reiki Training has brought many who were seeking purpose to a new life of healing, walking the path they were being guided to, but couldn't find.
I also have a keen interest in indigenous spirituality & shamanism.
Qualifications: BSc (Hons); Cert. Nat; Cert. ECBS; MCThA; UK Reiki Federation Master Teacher Member. Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master Teacher; Raku Kei Reiki Master; Seichim Master; Sekhem Level 2; Bach Flower Remedies Level 2; Celloid® Mineral Therapy Advanced Prescribing Cert.; Bioforce Phytotherapy Distinction; Diploma Thermo Auricular Therapy; Certificate in Homeopathic Mesotherapy
I completed the same training as David in Naturopathy & was retrained by David in the Kokoro Way of Reiki.
My main interest is Reflexology, which I have practiced since 2002. I have developed a specialism in Fertility & Maternity Reflexology, having studied with Gill Thomson, who facilitated Suzanne Enzer's (renowned author & reflexologist) course. I obtained competency in Maternity Reflexology and am now the Northern Ireland Co-ordinator for this course.
NHS and private clinics claim success rates of 25% to 32% (HFEA 2010) depending on age and treatment performed. My success statistics currently stand at 68% for those with unexplained infertility.
Qualifications: BSc (Hons); Cert. Nat; MCThA; Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master; Bach Flower Remedies Level 2; Celloid® Mineral Therapy Advanced Prescribing Cert.; Bioforce Phytotherapy Distinction; Dip.Advanced Reflexology; Certified in Baby Reflex (Baby and Toddler Reflexology), Certificate of Competency in Maternity Reflexology (incorporates both Infertility & Maternity Reflexology – Suzanne Enzer’s Course) Cert. Indian Head Massage, Cancer Support Course (MacMillan) and City & Guilds Preparing to Teach in Life Long Learning PTLLS 7303; Certificate in Homeopathic Mesotherapy
thank you so much for the wonderful experience called ‘Reiki’. They say that what’s meant for you won’t pass you by.
Unfortunately some people don’t recognise the signs and miss out on some of life’s wonderful gifts.
I’m glad I followed my strong intuition leading me to you. It was a truly enlightening experience.
Many, many thanks.
L L (Newtownards)
When I heard about the Kokoro Treatment (Bowen Technique..ed.) I did not know what it was. I was unable to walk any more than about 20 yards without having to stop because of excrutiating pain. My spine had collapsed onto my sciatic nerve and trapped it. I can now walk over 200 yards slowly, without the pain stopping me. I still use my stick, but I am well pleased that the treatment has helped me.
K. McC Banbridge.
You helped me attain my dream – a darling baby. I attended for infertility Reflexology after experiencing 2 miscarriages. You understood what I was experiencing and gave me the support I needed. Within 5 months of starting Reflexology I was pregnant. I now have my darling son who is so wanted and enjoyed. Thank you for everything.
Name withheld. Co Down.
What can I say only thank you for all your care and attention. You have supported me during two pregnancies. AB Co Down
Call us for a consultation: Kokoro Naturopathy and School of Reiki & Fertility Reflexology - 028 9269 8769 or 07976 714 578
or visit our website for more informtion - www.kokoro.uk.com
To read more testimonials please visit our website - Kokoro Naturopathy Testimonials
Reiki Training in the Kokoro Way
Bowen Technique
Emmett Technique (in training)
Homeopathic Mesotherapy
Reflexology for Fertility
Hopi Ear Candling (Thermoauricular Therapy)
Bach Flower Remedies
Practitioner Training