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Venue: Maitri Studio, 4 The Mount, Belfast
Contact: Claire Ferry
+44 (0)28 9099 2428
Mon 11th August 2025
We are delighted to host our third Summer School with Aisling Guirke. This is becoming an annual tradition and after a sell out year in 2024 we expect this to be popular again.
We may have room for a number of day passes £60/day but these will not be available until nearer the time.
Book on our student page. You can pay for the whole lot (£260) or a deposit now (£130) and balance due by the end of July (£130).
If you are travelling from elsewhere to attend we can ask around our local yoga community to help with accommodation - do contact us if that's the case.
Contact claire@claireferryyoga.net to request a booking link or if you have any questions.