Maitri Studio, Belfast, Iyengar yoga, summer school, Aisling Guirke

Iyengar yoga summer school

Monday 11th August - 10.00am to 4:00pm

Venue: Maitri Studio, 4 The Mount, Belfast

Contact: Claire Ferry
+44 (0)28 9099 2428


Mon 11th August 2025

5 day summer school within the Iyengar yoga method with senior teacher Aisling Guirke (Dublin)

We are delighted to host our third Summer School with Aisling Guirke. This is becoming an annual tradition and after a sell out year in 2024 we expect this to be popular again. 

Iyengar yoga summer school

  • 5 day summer school within the Iyengar yoga method with senior teacher Aisling Guirke (Dublin)
  • 11-15th August 2023 inclusive £260
  • 5 days of yoga focusing on asanas and pranayama from Levels 1-3 of the new Iyengar teaching syllabus with classes 10am-4pm
  • Includes experience pertinent to Level 1 and Level 2 assessments for those trainees and mentees likely to be taking them in the next year

We may have room for a number of day passes £60/day but these will not be available until nearer the time. 

Book on our student page. You can pay for the whole lot (£260) or a deposit now (£130) and balance due by the end of July (£130).

If you are travelling from elsewhere to attend we can ask around our local yoga community to help with accommodation - do contact us if that's the case.

Contact to request a booking link or if you have any questions.
