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Venue: Maitri Studio, 4 The Mount, Belfast
Contact: Sandra Hutchinson
07711 615300
Facebook @cocoonyogabelfast
Wed 20th November 2024
Sandra's back for another relax session on Wednesday 20th November 2024.
Release all your day to day stresses in this totally relaxing class - candlelight, soft music and essential oil create the most perfect atmosphere as you lie cocooned in your hammock.
Bring a blanket, wear warm socks and some water to hydrate after.
Class is at 8.15pm on Wednesday 20th November 2024, and remember to bring your own blanket.
"Take time for yourself as we head into the darker autumnal months. Relax in your hammock with your own calm essential oil blend. I guarantee the best night's sleep after!"
Booking is essential as there are only 8 spaces per class and must be through Cocoon Yoga Belfast with Sandra directly, or click here to book.